Newsletter EnSO project – July 2018
Smart objects have to be autonomous, easy to use and handle, as small as possible, robust and long lasting with a long operating life time! Whatever they will be, there is always a key ingredient for all the electronic systems which is the need to be powered with a minimum of energy. Energy is key for IoT Smart Objects emerging market.
The objective of EnSO project (2016 – 2019) is to develop and consolidate a european consortium in the field of Autonomous Micro-Energy Systems (AMES) in order to support the european electronic industry, particularly on the market of IoT (Internet des Objets). SOLEMS is in charge of the solar harvesting in this program. Coordination is done by ST Microelectronics (Tours).
EnSO has been accepted for funding within the Electronic Components and Systems For European Leadership Joint Undertaking in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) and National Authorities, under grant agreement n° 692482