Applications Areas

Pools and windows shutters
Electrical shutters on windows and outdoor pools are comfortable and easy to use. An built-in solar power supply is consistent with an intensive summer service. When this solar supply is customized and integrated to the product, all ugly and costly electrical connections are avoided. And the service provided is green and durable.

Evaluate the parameters of our environment is a key issue for our present and fuure. SOLEMS solar panels feed many devices measuring, storing and exchanging data such as temperature, pressure, wind, dust… etc… With no maintenance for at least 3 /5 years.

Security & Telecom
Decrease the maintenance costs and get a reliable autonomous energy with a return of investment of a several years is the goal of many operators of security and communication networks. With detailed calculations of the panels productivity according to the specifications, and reliable products, SOLEMS can allow them to reach this goal.

Wireless and IOT
Wireless objects are everywhere. Connected or not, they offer more and more functions. When located indoor, powering them is a real issue. SOLEMS solar cells, with excellent « indoor » performances thanks to its unique technology, are capable to produce electricity to those low consumption objects. Primary batteries are not long lasting and grid connection of smart objects is far too complicated. So SOLEMS custom-sized PV cells are a good solution.

Helping the teaching of solar energy technologies in schools and colleges, thanks to real products to be tested and analyzed by the students, is one of the objectives of SOLEMS. A better knowledge of these renewable energies will help their development.

Arts and design
SOLES cells are also rather beautiful and the solar technology, somehow « magical » is a source of inspiration for creative people. Some of them imagine original and wonderful solar sculptures or mobiles. With quite often some potential commercial development attached.
Innovative products, new R&D projects
SOLEMS innovative products and projects
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